Space Collaboration
通过艺术与设计作品探索如何将空间更具备东方的创意性与诗意性, CHInoiserie 风格兴起的初期就源自于中式的室内建筑摆设陈列的影响,而随着漆雕屏风,青花瓷瓶等传统室内元素的消逝,我们将探索如何在现代的室内空间里重新发现东方
We are keen on the discovery of how to enhance the creativity and poetry of some special space by art and design works. The rising of Chinoiserie culture originated from ancient Chinese interior structures and decoration. Now that the traditional Chinese Lacquer Panel and porcelain pot have disappeared from the modern room, we must discover a new solution to bring forth the Chinese culture again.